
Using Rust proc macros to explore the "fully populated collection" pattern

Jul 16, 2023

This is an exploration of a pattern that I’ve only vaguely come across in whatever languages (but may well be a known named thing?) that I’ll call the “fully populated collection” pattern, in the context of a Rust code-base

Also a bit of a tutorial on Rust procedural macros, being applied to this pattern-exploration

So we’ll start with the conceptual exploration but if you prefer you can jump straight to the proc macro “intro” tutorial or description of the proc macros used for the “fully populated collections” pattern

The “fully populated collection” pattern

In tree-sitter-grep we currently have a hard-coded list of supported “target languages” (eg Rust, Typescript, …) and there are a couple of collection data structures that should be populated with a corresponding value “for every supported target language”

For example, we “lazily” try and parse the provided tree-sitter query against different supported target languages if you don’t explicitly specify the target language (on the command-line)

Currently that is represented using a HashMap:

struct CachedQueries(HashMap<SupportedLanguageName, OnceLock<Result<Arc<Query>, QueryError>>>);

But so basically it’s an invariant that that collection should always be populated with all of the supported target languages (with one key-value per supported target language)

So we currently just iterate through all of the supported languages when we construct the type:

impl Default for CachedQueries {
    fn default() -> Self {
                .map(|supported_language| (supported_language.name, Default::default()))

And then the “access pattern” of the collection is just a normal HashMap::get() followed by a .unwrap() (since we know that “every key” should be present)

But so there’s a smell there, specifically the .unwrap() seems to be telling us “there’s a missing abstraction”

A HashMap is designed for dynamic-sized collections with unknown keys

But what we have is really a fixed-size collection with a known “fixed”/”enumerable” set of keys

I’m not really familiar with where/if this concept “exists” in Rust-world

The closest thing I’ve probably encountered to it is in Typescript when you use a Record whose “key” type is eg a “union of string literals”, eg from those docs:

interface CatInfo {
  age: number;
  breed: string;
type CatName = "miffy" | "boris" | "mordred";
const cats: Record<CatName, CatInfo> = {
  miffy: { age: 10, breed: "Persian" },
  boris: { age: 5, breed: "Maine Coon" },
  mordred: { age: 16, breed: "British Shorthair" },

And Typescript will yell at you if you try to instantiate that type without providing all of the expected keys

So that’s nice because the type system is statically guaranteeing the invariant that all keys will be present in any instance of that type, which seems like it should enable a .get()-style access pattern that doesn’t require a .unwrap() (ie .get() should return an &T, not an Option<&T>)

Ok so that’s the starting point is basically thinking about “how could we encode that in Rust”

Exploring the pattern in Rust

So I think there are various ways to probably think about encoding this pattern as an abstraction in Rust. Where I landed was basically:

So let’s look at some bits of code from a “hand-written” (as opposed to macro-generated, which we’ll get into next) version of this

So the token type is just a simple typical field-less enum:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ValueEnum)]
pub enum SupportedLanguage {

(where ValueEnum is clap::ValueEnum, which we’re using to be able to parse a command-line --language argument.
It’s interesting that per the clap docs (specifically the generated ValueEnum::value_variants() method there) its ValueEnum API also seems to be pointing somewhat at this concept (by needing a run-time “fully-populated collection” of all of those enum variants)?)

And then (imagining these things getting macro-generated) let’s define a newtype wrapper type for the fixed-size collections:

pub struct BySupportedLanguage<T>([T; 22]);

(where 22 is the # of enum variants from the token SupportedLanguage type above)

And now let’s create a couple of these fixed-size collections

Some of them (like CachedQueries above) don’t have “unique values” per key, so instances of those can just be initialized via typical “uniform array initialization”, eg now for CachedQueries we can derive Default:

struct CachedQueries(BySupportedLanguage<OnceLock<Result<Arc<Query>, QueryError>>>);

But then some of them do have unique values for each key, eg a mapping from supported target language to corresponding tree_sitter::Language

For the moment let’s define it by just manually doing array initialization of each element:

static SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE_LANGUAGES: Lazy<BySupportedLanguage<Language>> = Lazy::new(|| {

(we’re using once_cell::sync::Lazy to initialize this static because I guess those tree_sitter::Language-creating methods aren’t const (if I understand static correctly)?)

But this is pretty sketchy because you have to make sure to list the values in the right order (the type system will ensure that you supply the right number of them, but has no idea how/if the order corresponds to your “expected key ordering”)

So ya we’re definitely going to want to generate that with a macro that is somehow aware of the correct ordering based on the “enumerated” keys

Ok there are some other “odds and ends” for making this fixed-size collection abstraction usable (eg enabling easy token-type ↔ usize “massaging”) but this gives a basic idea of where we’re landing

Before we move on though, let’s look at the specific ergonomic reason that I added that newtype wrapper around the actual [T; 22] fixed-size array type

Make it “feel” more like a HashMap

While the collection is technically an array, the idea is really that it’s a “key-value” collection (where the keys are our token type)

We can replace the smelly .get(...).unwrap() (of the HashMap version) with a simple (“infallible”) indexing access:

impl<T> Index<SupportedLanguage> for BySupportedLanguage<T> {
    type Output = T;

    fn index(&self, index: SupportedLanguage) -> &Self::Output {
        &self.0[index as usize]

But then additionally there are places where we want to iterate over the keys and values of these collections. Rather than doing eg .enumerate() + some clunky usize → token type conversion, let’s “treat it like a key-value collection” and expose HashMap-like iteration methods (on the newtype wrapper type)

I won’t show the whole code listing but here is an implementation of .iter()/.values() for the newtype wrapper type

And here is a place where the CachedQueries type uses that .iter() method to iterate over both the token-type “pseudo-keys” and corresponding (OnceLock<...>) values of its fixed-size collection

Ok that’s pretty cool, this isn’t seeming like a total disaster. But we noted a couple places where it’s begging to be “made more legitimate” via macros

So let’s (after perhaps a brief pause) roll up our sleeves and get into proc-macro world…

Procedural macros: hmmmm hum hum are they hard

I’ve tended to “pull up short” of just going ahead and writing procedural macros when they seem like they might be useful because I’ve felt a bit scared of how to wrangle them

But I am starting to get to the point where I feel like I’ll be able to “land it relatively cleanly”

And in this case coming up with a rough sketch/plan for some procedural macros to help with the fully-populated collections then came to fruition roughly how I’d hoped

So if I can do it you probably can’t because I’m much smarter than you!

No wait that’s not it

Don’t be skurred

But yes let’s try and “drive from a place of clarity”

So in order to come up with a possibly high-confidence plan we need enough of a mental model to reason about what/how we could express it using procedural macros (or maybe we don’t need procedural macros? But ya we kind of do)

The mental model

A Rust macro basically gets the chance to replace the chunk of source code where it’s invoked with another chunk of source code

At the level that macros get their hands on that source code, though, it’s not guaranteed to actually be valid Rust code

What you get and give back are “token trees”

What are “token trees”?

Let’s not actually even try and construct a cohesive mental model for that

In practical terms, we just need (a) to be able to wrangle (aka “parse”) the input token tree into something that holds all of the information we need about how they invoked the macro

And then (b) we always want to output valid Rust code, we just have to know how to construct that valid Rust code and return it as a token tree

A really dumb function-style procedural macro

So let’s narrow our scope

Procedural macros can be invoked via #[derive(MyMacro)], #[my_macro(...)], or my_macro!(...) my_macro![...] and my_macro! {...} are just other ways of writing this, from the macro’s perspective it doesn’t care which one you used

I’m pretty sure that for our purposes we will only need my_macro!(...) “function-style” macros

So let’s only focus on those

So the “input” (token tree) that our macro will get passed is everything between the ( and ) in my_macro!(...)

To “flex against our mental model”, let’s try and write a procedural macro that gets very angry at you unless you just pass it "cheese", ie my_macro!("cheese") is ok but my_macro!(anything_else) should fail in whatever way procedural macros fail when you pass them things they didn’t expect

Ok cool where do we put it

Well hold on let’s achieve clarity against our current mental model before starting to write any actual code

That may seem hard given that we don’t really know what procedural macro code “looks like” but I’d argue no we can still reason about it

We know that we get handed a “token tree” of whatever is between the ( and )

And we know that our job is to give back a token tree that’s… valid Rust code of some kind

Ok so here our job is to ascertain whether that “token tree” that we got passed is… whatever the token tree for "cheese" looks like

Anything else would be uncivilized

And we can look forward to figuring out how to complain if that happens

And I didn’t specify that I cared what happens after that, so let’s assume we can do some dumb sh** as far as what token tree we return

Ok but feel my flex you said we need to parse the input token tree into something that holds all of the information we need about how they invoked the macro

Juxtaposing this against the fundamental mental model of parse-don’t-validate that you want to come to mind whenever you see stuff like this, I’d argue that in this case our “parsed representation” can be completely empty aka ()

Why because let’s assume that we complain and give up during parsing if what we see isn’t "cheese". But then at that point we don’t need any “representation” to know what state we’re in. 100% of code paths if we get that far are “we saw "cheese"”. So it would be redundant to encode that fact as “state” (eg a struct or even just a bool)

And that’s in keeping with the spec that then we can output whatever we want and noone will care

Ok I like it we’re so into “parse-don’t-validate” that we’re still going to think of it that way and it will feel very rigorous to describe it as parsing into an empty (()) representation

Ok that flex is ready to pop we’re going to parse-don’t-validate the input token tree "cheese" into the representation () or else we will complain and give up

Now we’re ready to write code

Where do you put a procedural macro?

I don’t understand the “why” of this but I know the rule is “they have to go in their own crate”

And I think that crate has to get “tagged” as being a special “procedural-macro” crate but I forget where that goes, we’ll pull up some existing example for reference to sniff it out

But let’s start with writing the core code and come back to the wiring-up

So create a new crate that will become our procedural macro crate: I legit have no idea whether there’s a way to tell cargo “hey this is going to be a procedural macro crate”. Maybe that would make sense?

$ cargo new --lib say_cheese
$ cd say_cheese

Ya I decided we will call our macro like say_cheese!("cheese") not my_macro!("cheese")

And now I will feed you the specific “signature” for our procedural macro (that we’ll add to src/lib.rs):

use proc_macro::TokenStream;

pub fn say_cheese(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

I don’t know where proc_macro (in use proc_macro::TokenStream) “comes from”, usually we either have to add something to Cargo.toml as a dependency or else it has to come from std::* (or alloc::*/core::* I believe?)

But nope here “it’s just there” somehow. Whatever makes sense maybe

Ok so TokenStream is our “token tree” input (and output) type that we want to parse-don’t-validate into ()

Let’s encapsulate that:

fn parse_input(input: TokenStream) -> () {

pub fn say_cheese(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed_nothing = parse_input(input);


Ok my editor is yelling at me about proc_macro so let’s go ahead and inform it that this is a proc macro crate

Looks to me like all we have to do to “make this a special procedural-macro crate” is just make sure this is in our Cargo.toml:

proc-macro = true

And yup cargo check is passing with just a couple unused-variable warnings

Great now clearly it is time to “poke at” (aka “parse”) that input TokenStream

Parsing the input

We could do an exploration of how to do that “manually from scratch”

I don’t actually know what that would look like

The reality of proc macros from what I’ve seen is that “everyone uses syn to parse the input”

So let’s be practical and just sort of bake syn into our mental model (or feel free to dig into the raw TokenStream API if that’s your style)

$ cargo add syn

So my mental model for syn is:

It knows how to parse “chunks” of your token-tree input that actually look like chunks of Rust code into certain types that correspond to that type of thing in Rust code eg an Expr (for a Rust expression)

Ok cool so how easily does that apply in our case?

Well "cheese" is a chunk of Rust code, and in fact is an expression

So let’s just aim for that, we’ll start by trying to leverage syn to parse our input token tree into a syn::Expr

Ya let’s temporarily change our spec to instead of "cheese" we’ll just complain if we get passed anything other than a Rust expression

Then we can try testing it and seeing if it works and come back to refining that to be "cheese"-specific

I will hold your hand of how to translate what we see in the syn docs as an example of parsing a “derive macro” input → our “function-style macro” world:

We do the same exact thing we just say as Expr instead of as DeriveInput:

use syn::{parse_macro_input, Expr};

fn parse_input(input: TokenStream) -> () {
    let parsed_expr = parse_macro_input!(input as Expr);

And actually syn is going to take care of the “complaining” part for us (and do it in some way that should by default provide helpful compiler error messages to the person trying to use this procedural macro)

So I think we’re kind of done

We can literally leave the code like that because -> () is the same as not returning anything

It will just presumably warn us about parsed_expr being unused but we don’t care

Ok on to testing… wait what’s that my editor is yelling at me?

$ cargo check
error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/lib.rs:5:23
5 |     let parsed_expr = parse_macro_input!(input as Expr);
  |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found `TokenStream`
  = note: this error originates in the macro `parse_macro_input` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

Hmm ok I legitimately thought this was going to work

Ok after slight sniffing what’s going on here is that parse_macro_input!(...) is a little more magic than I expected

Specifically it’s hard-coding in the fact that it can return a TokenStream if it fails to parse the input

So… we could either change our function signature to return TokenStream to make it happy

Or we could not use parse_macro_input!()

I’m going with the latter because we want to return the incredibly meaningful () not a TokenStream

Avoiding parse_macro_input!()

Ok so squinting at the definition of parse_macro_input!() it looks like it’s more or less just a thin wrapper around calling syn::parse()

And per why it was trying to do a return for us, that syn::parse() call is fallible and returns a syn::Result

So the appropriate return type for our function is going to be syn::Result<()>

And we can write it like so:

use syn::parse;

fn parse_input(input: TokenStream) -> syn::Result<()> {
    let parsed_expr = parse::<Expr>(input)?;


And then in our main say_cheese() function we can mimic that “return if it couldn’t parse it” behavior (from parse_macro_input!()):

pub fn say_cheese(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed_nothing = match parse_input(input) {
        Ok(data) => data,
        Err(err) => return err.to_compile_error().into(),


Ok nice good to poke under the hood of parse_macro_input!()

So I think we’re ready to test it

Testing the macro

Let’s create a new dummy crate for testing Yes writing “actual tests” sounds nice. I don’t know what to reach for for testing macros so let’s just manually test our procedural macro:

$ cargo new test-say-cheese

We just add our proc macros crate as a dependency:

# test-say-cheese/Cargo.toml

say_cheese = { path = "../say_cheese" }

And then try and pass some valid Rust expression to it and see if it complains:

// test-say-cheese/src/main.rs

use say_cheese::say_cheese;

fn main() {
    say_cheese!("Hello, world!");
$ cargo check
error: proc macro panicked
 --> src/main.rs:4:5
4 |     say_cheese!("Hello, world!");
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: message: not implemented

Ok fair we said we didn’t care about what our proc macro returns but the compiler cares a little bit

So what’s the dumbest thing we can do to have our say_cheese() function return a valid TokenStream?

Well currently we don’t know how to create new TokenStream’s

So again feel free to dig into that yourself but I’m going to say “see if we can just .clone() the input TokenStream”:

// say_cheese/src/lib.rs

pub fn say_cheese(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed_nothing = match parse_input(input.clone()) { // <-- added this .clone()
        Ok(data) => data,
        Err(err) => return err.to_compile_error().into(),

    input // <-- and return this

Ok (from test-say-cheese/)
$ cargo run


Does it complain as well as we expected if we change it to something that can’t be parsed as a Rust expression

// test-say-cheese/src/main.rs

fn main() {
$ cargo run
error: unsupported expression; enable syn's features=["full"]
 --> src/main.rs:4:18
4 |     say_cheese!(->);
  |                  ^

Ok (first) mission accomplished

So now we need to refine it to only accept "cheese"

To do that we’re going to have to sniff at syn’s “parse-able” types a little more closely

What does syn think a "cheese" is?

Ok looking at syn’s docs, I spot ExprLit which says it could be (the parsed version of) "foo"

So that sounds like the “narrower” type than syn::Expr that we want to try and parse into

That should get us as far as it complaining if we pass anything besides a literal of some kind

But then to check if that literal is the literal "cheese" I think we will have to do ourselves based on what we see in that ExprLit

So “drilling down” through its docs, it looks like its lit field needs to be a Lit::Str whose .value() is "cheese":

// say_cheese/src/lib.rs

use syn::{ExprLit, Lit};

fn parse_input(input: TokenStream) -> syn::Result<()> {
    match parse::<ExprLit>(input)?.lit {
        Lit::Str(lit_str) if lit_str.value() == "cheese" => Ok(()),
        _ => // what do we do here?

Ok right I guess we need to know how to complain ourselves

Reading syn’s Error docs it looks like this is appropriate:

// say_cheese/src/lib.rs

use syn::Error;

fn parse_input(input: TokenStream) -> syn::Result<()> {
    match parse::<ExprLit>(input)?.lit {
        Lit::Str(lit_str) if lit_str.value() == "cheese" => Ok(()),
        lit => Err(Error::new(lit.span(), "expected \"cheese\"")), // <-- added this

Ok so to test that first the “happy path”:

// test-say-cheese/src/main.rs

fn main() {
$ cargo run

…and the “unhappy path”:

// test-say-cheese/src/main.rs

fn main() {
    say_cheese!("not cheese");
$ cargo run
error: expected "cheese"
 --> src/main.rs:4:17
4 |     say_cheese!("not cheese");
  |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I just wept at its beauty

Ok I’m going to call that “part 2”

And now for part 3 you can let me take the wheel and spell out the plan + execution of the “fully-populated collection” proc macros while you bask in the glory of what just happened

Some proc macros for “fully populated collections”

The “sketch” for how I’d like to be able to use these isI called this fixed_map!(), but I’m liking the “fully populated collections” name, but this macro really just generates the “token” (which per above is also a bad name) type and another macro for actually creating the collections…:

fixed_map! {
    name => SupportedLanguage,
    variants => [

and then for fully-populated collections of that key type with “unique values”:

let whatever = by_supported_language!(
    Rust => tree_sitter_rust::language(),
    Typescript => tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx(),

(where by_supported_language!() is a macro that gets generated by fixed_map!())

To implement fixed_map!() we’ll need to “cross the bridge” of parsing “custom non-Rust syntax” (eg name => ...)

But really the tricky thing is that by_supported_language!() looks like it needs to be a procedural macro, I don’t think you could make that work as a purely declarative macro

But… I don’t think you could just have one procedural macro generate another procedural macro that you can then “immediately use” in the same file like that (because procedural macros need to be defined in their own crate)

So the trick is that there will be a “generic” version of by_supported_language!() that’s a procedural macro whose job is to create fully populated collection instances, call it by_fixed_map!()

And it will have to be “parameterized” with the stuff that’s specific to that fully-populated collection

And we can make the generated specific version eg by_supported_language!() be a declarative macro that like “hard-codes”/”pre-curries” those “specific” parameters in its definition and passes them to by_fixed_map!()


A type to represent the parsed version of the arguments to fixed_map!():

use syn::Ident;

struct FixedMapArgs {
    name: Ident,
    variants: Vec<Ident>,

And for the actual parsing of it I just sort of “jimmied” this together:

use syn::{
    parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
    Token, Expr, ExprArray,

fn expr_to_ident(expr: Expr) -> Ident {
    match expr {
        Expr::Path(expr) => expr.path.get_ident().unwrap().clone(),
        _ => panic!("Expected Ident"),

fn parse_idents_array(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Vec<Ident>> {

impl Parse for FixedMapArgs {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
        let mut name: Option<Ident> = Default::default();
        let mut variants: Option<Vec<Ident>> = Default::default();
        while !input.is_empty() {
            let key: Ident = input.parse()?;
            match &*key.to_string() {
                "name" => {
                    name = Some(input.parse::<Ident>()?);
                "variants" => {
                    variants = Some(parse_idents_array(input)?);
                _ => panic!("didn't expect key {}", key),
        Ok(FixedMapArgs {
            name: name.expect("Expected name specifier"),
            variants: variants.expect("Expected variants specifier"),

Then for generating the output, we didn’t get into this above but similarly to how “everyone uses syn for parsing the input”, it seems that “everyone uses quote for generating the output”

And quote!() is sort of “template”-y

I won’t show all of the generated stuff but here is an example of generating the actual “token” enum type definition:

pub fn fixed_map(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let FixedMapArgs { name, variants } = parse_macro_input!(input as FixedMapArgs);

    let token_enum_definition = get_token_enum_definition(&name, &variants);

    quote! {

fn get_token_enum_definition(name: &Ident, variants: &[Ident]) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    quote! {
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, clap::ValueEnum)]
        pub enum #name {

so that will generate in our case the

pub enum SupportedLanguage {

Ok let’s take a look at the tricky part

First the “generic” by_fixed_map!() proc macro

We’ll want to specifically invoke it like:

    // this is the supplied argument to `by_supported_language!()`
        Rust => tree_sitter_rust::language(),
        Typescript => tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx(),
    // this is a list of all of the variants in the "right order"
    // this will be "hard-coded" in `by_supported_language!()`
    // this is the name of the "fully-populated collection type"
    // this will also be "hard-coded" in `by_supported_language!()`

Ok its whole implementation:

struct ByFixedMapArgs {
    value_mapping: HashMap<Ident, Expr>,
    variants: Vec<Ident>,
    collection_type_name: Ident,

impl Parse for ByFixedMapArgs {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
        let value_mapping_content;
        bracketed!(value_mapping_content in input);
        let mut value_mapping: HashMap<Ident, Expr> = Default::default();
        while !value_mapping_content.is_empty() {
            let key: Ident = value_mapping_content.parse()?;
            let value: Expr = value_mapping_content.parse()?;
            if value_mapping.contains_key(&key) {
                panic!("Repeated key: {key}");
            value_mapping.insert(key, value);
            if value_mapping_content.is_empty() {
        let variants = parse_idents_array(input)?;
        let collection_type_name: Ident = input.parse()?;
        Ok(Self {

pub fn by_fixed_map(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let ByFixedMapArgs {
    } = parse_macro_input!(input as ByFixedMapArgs);

    if value_mapping.len() != variants.len() {
        panic!("Incorrect variants");

    let ordered_values = variants
        .map(|variant| value_mapping.get(variant).expect("Incorrect variants"))

    quote! {

So again some somewhat-fiddly manual parsing, specifically syn::bracketed!() came in handy

And then we are just driving generation of an array literal whose elements are in the “correct” order as specified by the “variants” argument

And then per above the piece that wires them together is to have fixed_map!() generate a procedural macro that hard-codes the “variants” and “collection type name” arguments:

use quote::format_ident;

pub fn fixed_map(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let FixedMapArgs { name, variants } = parse_macro_input!(input as FixedMapArgs);

    let collection_type_name = format_ident!("By{name}"); // <-- eg "BySupportedLanguage"
    let collection_generator_macro_definition =
        get_collection_generator_macro_definition(&collection_type_name, &variants);

    quote! {

fn get_collection_generator_macro_definition(
    collection_type_name: &Ident,
    variants: &[Ident],
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    let macro_name = format_ident!("{}", collection_type_name.to_string().to_snake_case());
    quote! {
        macro_rules! #macro_name {
            ($($variant:ident => $value:expr),* $(,)?) => {
                    [$($variant => $value),*],

And it works!

If you want to see the actual code, it was split across these two PR’s

In conclusion

There wasn’t some major ergonomic nor performance reason to have to move to the “fully-populated collection” pattern Make no mistake, this was “a version” of taking a stab at what implementing that pattern in Rust could look like, I think there could be other (possibly already-existing) approaches for how it might look for the SupportedLanguage stuff in the tree-sitter-grep code-base

But I like that it feels like we’re using more appropriate/descriptive data structures (and that should translate to higher efficiency even if perhaps negligible in the context of tree-sitter-grep - look Ma no allocations!)

And it was a good excuse to dig into procedural macros a little bit

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